Sunday, March 28, 2010


to blog? a blog? i'm at a loss when it comes to blogging, never having given much thought to becoming a blogger. does this make me a sellout, per se? can i still roll my eyes in snobbish opposition at twitter? i find it a bit pretentious. like i really need to know what you're doing every hour of every day. unless you're shaq. now there's a tweet i can get behind. but i digress. i really should be blogging, as i'm constantly generating profound thoughts and opinions (obviously) that should be made readily available to the masses. give the people what they want, i always say. if nothing else, this is a good opportunity to showcase my sophisticated trendiness made apparent by my disregard for capitalization, but not wanting for accurate grammar, excepting the occasional incomplete sentence here or there, placed intentionally and strategically for effect, of course. gotta love a well-placed fragment. jane austen would surely agree, and who would argue with her? no one i would pay any mind to.

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