Saturday, August 25, 2012

44 days left in the US of A

Currently watching "Julie & Julia," which is inspiring me to both write a blog post and master the art (and joy) of french cooking, but since I'm not a huge fan of french food, or the french, for that matter, I'll settle for the former.  Not to mention I couldn't flip a crepe in the air by hand and skillet to save my life.  But I digress.  As I've had this blog for a number of years, and this is only my 25th post, I know as much about blogging as I do about flipping crepes.  In fact, every time I want to create a new post, I have to search for the "create a new post" button (it's at the top left, for all you other forgetful ENFPs).  I'm going to try to blog more regularly, if only to document for my future self the events of my Italian adventure. According to Julia, you've just got to practice, much like cooking.  And playing the piano. 

"You've just got to have the courage of your convictions."

So, only 44 days left in the good ol' US of A.  At least, that's my best guess.  Technically, I haven't received my work permit yet, or applied for my work visa, and no, I haven't yet bought my ticket, but I feel verrry sure that October 8th will be the day of my departure because I want it to be so badly! 

I have a tonnnnn of things to do before the move (read: as an ENFP I don't really know what I have to do because I can't [won't] function with to-do lists so instead I will remain unnecessarily stressed out because I can't possibly get a grip on everything there is to be done if I refuse to identify those things...breathe...somebody get me a brown bag...Meryl Streep is the best actress of all time...Julia Child is a freakin' hoot...what was I stressing out about again?), the most important of them being to secure one of these amazing custom leather luggage tags, and then, of course, win the lottery so that I can afford this $7000 Louis Vuitton piece.

Did you get that, people?

Seven. THOUSAND. Dollars.

For a single suitcase.

I need a minute.



Since I don't have the lung capacity to hold my breath that long, I did a little searching for some affordable yet fabulous luggage.  And lookie here what I stumbled upon! Purchasing a set of this chic vintage luggage would allow me to travel out of my suitcase instead of being forced to live in it.

Isn't that convenient.

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